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Text File | 2007-09-08 | 66.4 KB | 1,332 lines |
- #include-once
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; AutoIt Version: 3.0
- ; Language: English
- ; Description: VISA (GPIB & TCP) library for AutoIt
- ; Functions that allow controlling instruments (e.g. oscilloscopes,
- ; signal generators, spectrum analyzers, power supplies, etc)
- ; that have a GPIB or Ethernet port through the VISA interface
- ; (GPIB, TCP or Serial Interface)
- ; Limitations: The VISA queries only return the 1st line of the device answer
- ; This is not a problem in most cases, as most devices will always
- ; answer with a single line.
- ; Notes:
- ; If you are interested in this library you probably already know
- ; what is VISA and GPIB, but here there is a short description
- ; for those that don't know about it:
- ;
- ; Basically GPIB allows you to control instruments like Power
- ; Supplies, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes, Signal Generators, etc.
- ; You need to install or connect a GPIB interface card (PCI, PCMCIA
- ; or USB) to your PC and install the corresponding GPIB driver.
- ;
- ; VISA is a standard API that sits on top of the GPIB driver and
- ; it allows you to use the same programs to control your
- ; instruments regardless of the type of GPIB card that you have
- ; installed in your PC (most cards are made either by National
- ; Instruments(R) or by Agilent/Hewlett-Packard(R)).
- ;
- ; This library is that it opens AutoIt to a different kind of
- ; automation (instrument automation). Normally you would need to
- ; use some expensive "instrumentation" environment like
- ; Labwindows/CVI (TM), LabView (TM) or Matlab (TM) to automate
- ; instruments but now you can do so with AutoIt.
- ; The only requirement is that you need a VISA compatible GPIB
- ; card (all cards that I know are) and the corresponding VISA
- ; driver must be installed (look for visa32.dll in the
- ; windows\system32 folder).
- ;
- ; Basically you have 4 main functions:
- ; _viExecCommand - Executes commands and queries through GPIB
- ; _viOpen, _viClose - Open/Close a connection to a GPIB instrument.
- ; _viFindGpib - Find all the instruments in the GPIB bus
- ;
- ; There are other less important functions, like:
- ; _viGTL - Go to local mode (exeit the "remote control mode")
- ; _viGpibBusReset - Reset the GPIB bus if it is in a bad state
- ; _viSetTimeout - Sets the GPIB Query timeout
- ; _viSetAttribute - Set any VISA attribute
- ;
- ; There is one known limitation of this library:
- ; - The GPIB queries do not support binary transfer.
- ;
- ; It is recommended that you try first to execute the _viFindGpib
- ; function (as shown in the example in the _viFindGpib header)
- ; and see if you can find any instruments. You can also have a
- ; look at the examples in the _viExecCommand function description.
- ;
- ; ==============================================================================
- ; ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
- ; v1.0.00 02/01/2005 Initial release
- ; v1.0.01 02/06/2005 Formatted according to Standard UDF rules
- ; Fixed _viGpibBusReset
- ; Renamed _viFindGPIB to _viFindGpib
- ; Removed unnecessary MsgBox calls
- ; More detailed function headers
- ; Added Serial Interface related Attribute/Value Constants
- ; v1.0.02 02/11/2005 Fixed _viQueryf only executing "*IDN?" queries
- ; Fixed _viQueryf only returning characters up to the first space
- ; Fixed _viQuertf returning only first line of answer
- ; Added _viInterativeControl for interactive VISA control
- ; Added GPIB message termination attributes
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ==============================================================================
- ;- VISA Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The VISA library requires some GLOBAL CONSTANTS and VARIABLES that are defined
- ; here:
- ;- VISA CONSTANTS -------------------------------------------------------------
- Global Const $VI_SUCCESS = 0 ; (0L)
- Global Const $VI_NULL = 0
- Global Const $VI_TRUE = 1
- Global Const $VI_FALSE = 0
- ;- VISA GPIB BUS control macros (for _viGpibControlREN, see below) -------------
- Global Const $VI_GPIB_REN_DEASSERT = 0
- Global Const $VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT = 1
- Global Const $VI_GPIB_REN_DEASSERT_GTL = 2
- Global Const $VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_LLO = 4
- Global Const $VI_GPIB_REN_ADDRESS_GTL = 6
- ;- VISA interface ATTRIBUTE NAMES ----------------------------------------------
- ; General Attributes
- Global Const $VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE = 0x3FFF001A
- ; Serial Interface related Attributes
- Global Const $VI_ATTR_ASRL_BAUD = 0x3FFF0021
- Global Const $VI_ATTR_ASRL_DATA_BITS = 0x3FFF0022
- Global Const $VI_ATTR_ASRL_PARITY = 0x3FFF0023
- Global Const $VI_ATTR_ASRL_STOP_BITS = 0x3FFF0024
- Global Const $VI_ATTR_ASRL_FLOW_CNTRL = 0x3FFF0025
- ; GPIB message termination attributes
- Global $VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR = 0x3FFF0018
- Global $VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN = 0x3FFF0038
- Global $VI_ATTR_SEND_END_EN = 0x3FFF0016
- ; NOTE: There are more attribute types. Please refer to the VISA Programmer's Guide
- ;- VISA interface ATTRIBUTE VALUES ---------------------------------------------
- Global Const $VI_TMO_IMMEDIATE = 0
- ; Serial Interface related Attribute Values
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_PAR_NONE = 0
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_PAR_ODD = 1
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_PAR_EVEN = 2
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_PAR_MARK = 3
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_PAR_SPACE = 4
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_STOP_ONE = 10
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_STOP_ONE5 = 15
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_STOP_TWO = 20
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_FLOW_NONE = 0
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_FLOW_XON_XOFF = 1
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_FLOW_RTS_CTS = 2
- Global Const $VI_ASRL_FLOW_DTR_DSR = 4
- ; NOTE: There are more attribute values. Please refer to the VISA Programmer's Guide
- ;- VISA Global variable(s) -----------------------------------------------------
- ; The VISA Resource Manager is used by the _viOpen functions (see below)
- ; This is the only (non constant) Global required by this library
- Global $VISA_DEFAULT_RM = -1
- ; ==============================================================================
- ;- Main VISA/GPIB functions ----------------------------------------------------
- ; These include _viExecCommand, _viOpen, _viClose and _viFindGpib
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: MAIN FUNCTION - Send a Command/Query to an Instrument/Device
- ; Syntax: _viExecCommand($h_session, $s_command, $i_timeout_ms = -1)
- ; Parameter(s): $h_session - A VISA descriptor (STRING) OR a VISA session handle (INTEGER)
- ; * STRING -> A VISA DESCRIPTOR is a string which
- ; specifies the resource with which to establish a
- ; communication session. An example descriptor is
- ; "GPIB::20::0". This function supports all valid
- ; VISA descriptors, including GPIB, TCP, VXI and
- ; Serial Interface instruments. A detailed explanation
- ; of VISA descriptors is shown in the Notes section
- ; of this function.
- ; As a SHORTCUT you can use a STRING containing
- ; the address number (e.g. "20") of a GPIB
- ; instrument instead of typing the full descriptor
- ; (in that case, "GPIB::20::0")
- ; * INTEGER -> A VISA session handle is an integer
- ; value returned by _viOpen (see below).
- ; It is recommended that instead you use _viOpen
- ; and VISA session handles instead of descriptors
- ; if you plan to communicate repeteadly with an
- ; Instrument or Device, as otherwise each time that
- ; you contact the instrument you would incur the
- ; overhead of opening and closing the communication
- ; link.
- ; Once you are done using the instrument you must
- ; remember to close the link with _viClose (see below)
- ; $s_command - Command/Query to execute.
- ; A query MUST contain a QUESTION MARK (?)
- ; When the command is a QUERY the function will
- ; automatically wait for the instrument's answer
- ; (or until the operation times out)
- ; $i_timeout_ms - The operation timeout in MILISECONDS
- ; This is mostly important for QUERIES only
- ; If it is not specified the last set timeout will
- ; be used. If it was never set before the default
- ; timeout (which depends on the VISA implementation)
- ; will be used. Timeouts can also be set separatelly
- ; with the _viSetTimeout function (see below)
- ; $s_mode - Control the mode in which the VISA viPrintf is called
- ; Check the _viPrintf help for more info on
- ; this OPTIONAL PARAMETER (whose default value is @LF)
- ; This is normally NOT necessary and should only be set
- ; if your GPIB card or instrument require it.
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): The return value depends on whether the command is a QUERY
- ; or not and in whether the operation was successful or not.
- ;
- ; * Command, NON QUERY:
- ; On Success - Returns ZERO
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; or a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; * QUERY:
- ; On Success - Returns the answer of the instrument to the QUERY
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; Returns -3 if the VISA DLL returned an unexpected
- ; number of results
- ; or returns a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ;
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Example(s):
- ; - Simple communication examples:
- ; Get instrument ID:
- ; $s_idn = _viExecCommand("GPIB::20::0","*IDN?")
- ; This is the same as:
- ; $s_idn = _viExecCommand("20","*IDN?") -> Note that "20" is a STRING
- ;
- ; - More efficient way to communicate many times
- ; You must use _viOpen and _viClose
- ; In this example we measure a POWER 100 times:
- ; $h_session = _viOpen("GPIB::1::0") ; or $h_session = _viOpen("1")
- ; For $n = 0 To 99
- ; $power_array[$n] = _viExecCommand($h_session,"POWER?")
- ; Next
- ; _viClose($h_session)
- ;
- ; A more complex example, using 2 instruments, a signal generator
- ; and a spectrum analyzer, to measure the average power error of
- ; the generator:
- ;
- ; $h_spec_analyzer = _viOpen("GPIB::1::0") ; or $h_session = _viOpen("1")
- ; $h_signal_gen = _viOpen("GPIB::12::0") ; or $h_session = _viOpen("1")
- ; $average_power_error = 0
- ; For $ideal_power = -100 To -10 ; dBM
- ; _viExecCommand($h_signal_gen,"SOURCE:POWER " & $ideal_power & "dBm")
- ; $current_power_error = Abs($ideal_power - _viExecCommand($h_spec_analyzer,"POWER?"))
- ; $average_power_error = $average_power_error + $current_power_error
- ; Next
- ; $average_power_error = $average_power_error / 91
- ; _viClose($h_spec_analyzer)
- ; _viClose($h_signal_gen)
- ;
- ; Note(s):
- ; The following is a description of the MOST COMMON VISA DESCRIPTORS
- ; Note that there are some more types. For more info please
- ; refer to a VISA programmer's guide (available at www.ni.com)
- ; Optional segments are shown in square brackets ([]).
- ; Required segments that must be filled in are denoted by angle
- ; brackets (<>).
- ;
- ; Interface Syntax
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------
- ; GPIB INSTR GPIB[board]::primary address
- ; [::secondary address] [::INSTR]
- ; TCPIP SOCKET TCPIP[board]::host address::port::SOCKET
- ; Serial INSTR ASRL[board][::INSTR]
- ; PXI INSTR PXI[board]::device[::function][::INSTR]
- ; VXI INSTR VXI[board]::VXI logical address[::INSTR]
- ; GPIB-VXI INSTR GPIB-VXI[board]::VXI logical address[::INSTR]
- ; TCPIP INSTR TCPIP[board]::host address[::LAN device name]
- ; [::INSTR]
- ;
- ; The GPIB keyword is used for GPIB instruments.
- ; The TCPIP keyword is used for TCP/IP communication.
- ; The ASRL keyword is used for serial instruments.
- ; The PXI keyword is used for PXI instruments.
- ; The VXI keyword is used for VXI instruments via either embedded
- ; or MXIbus controllers.
- ; The GPIB-VXI keyword is used for VXI instruments via a GPIB-VXI
- ; controller.
- ;
- ; The default values for optional parameters are shown below.
- ;
- ; Optional Segment Default Value
- ; ---------------------------------------
- ; board 0
- ; secondary address none
- ; LAN device name inst0
- ;
- ;
- ; Example Resource Strings:
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ; GPIB::1::0::INSTR A GPIB device at primary address 1 and
- ; secondary address 0 in GPIB interface 0.
- ;
- ; GPIB2::INTFC Interface or raw resource for GPIB
- ; interface 2.
- ;
- ; TCPIP0:: Raw TCP/IP access to port 999
- ; at the specified IP address.
- ;
- ; ASRL1::INSTR A serial device attached to interface
- ; ASRL1. VXI::MEMACC Board-level register
- ; access to the VXI interface.
- ;
- ; PXI::15::INSTR PXI device number 15 on bus 0.
- ;
- ; VXI0::1::INSTR A VXI device at logical address 1 in VXI
- ; interface VXI0.
- ;
- ; GPIB-VXI::9::INSTR A VXI device at logical address 9 in a
- ; GPIB-VXI controlled system.
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viExecCommand($h_session, $s_command, $i_timeout_ms = -1, $s_mode = @LF)
- If StringInStr($s_command, "?") == 0 Then
- ; The Command is NOT a QUERY
- Return _viPrintf($h_session, $s_command, $i_timeout_ms, $s_mode)
- Else
- ; The Command is a QUERY
- Return _viQueryf($h_session, $s_command, $i_timeout_ms)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_viExecCommand
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Opens a VISA connection to an Instrument/Device
- ; Syntax: _viOpen($s_visa_address, $s_visa_secondary_address = 0)
- ; Parameter(s): $s_visa_address - A VISA resource descriptor STRING (see the
- ; NOTES of _viExecCommand above for more info)
- ; As as shortcut you can also directly pass a GPIB address as
- ; an integer
- ; $s_visa_secondary_address - Some GPIB instruments have
- ; secondary addresses. This parameter is ZERO by default, which
- ; Only use this optional parameter if the primary address is
- ; passed as an integer
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns a (POSITIVE) VISA Instrument Handle
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 and SETS @error to 1
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s): For simple usage there is no need to use this function, as
- ; _viExecCommand automatically opens/closes a VISA connection
- ; if you pass it a VISA resource descriptor (see the NOTES of
- ; _viExecCommand above for more info)
- ;
- ; However, if you want to repeteadly send commands/queries to
- ; a device, you should call this function followed by using the
- ; returned instrument handle instead of the VISA descriptor
- ;
- ; Do not forget to use _viClose when you are done, though
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viOpen($s_visa_address, $s_visa_secondary_address = 0)
- Local $h_session = -1 ; The session handle by default is invalid (-1)
- If IsNumber($s_visa_address) Or StringInStr($s_visa_address, "::") == 0 Then
- ; We passed a number => Create the VISA string:
- $s_visa_address = "GPIB0::" & $s_visa_address & "::" & $s_visa_secondary_address
- EndIf
- ;- Do not open an instrument connection twice
- ; TODO
- ;- Make sure that there is a Resource Manager open (Note: this will NOT open it twice!)
- _viOpenDefaultRM()
- ; errStatus = viOpen (VISA_DEFAULT_RM, "GPIB0::20::0", VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &h_session);
- ; signed int viOpen(unsigned long, char*, unsigned long, unsigned long, *unsigned long)
- Local $a_results
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "long", "viOpen", "long", $VISA_DEFAULT_RM, "str", $s_visa_address, "long", $VI_NULL, "long", $VI_NULL, "long_ptr", -1)
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viOpen - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- Local $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA instrument/resource
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not open VISA instrument/resource: " & $s_visa_address)
- Return -2
- EndIf
- ; Make sure that the DllCall returned enough values
- If UBound($a_results) < 6 Then
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Call to viOpen did not return the right number of values")
- Return -3
- EndIf
- $h_session = $a_results[5]
- If $h_session <= 0 Then
- ; viOpen did not return a valid handle
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","viOpen did not return a valid handle")
- Return -4
- EndIf
- ; We have a valid handle for the device
- Return $h_session
- EndFunc ;==>_viOpen
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Closes a VISA connection to an Instrument/Device
- ; Syntax: _viClose($h_session)
- ; Parameter(s): $h_session - A VISA session handle (as returned by _viOpen)
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 0
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; or a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s): For simple usage there is no need to use this function, as
- ; _viExecCommand automatically opens/closes a VISA connection
- ; if you pass it a VISA resource descriptor (see the NOTES of
- ; _viExecCommand above for more info)
- ;
- ; However, if you want to repeteadly send commands/queries to
- ; a device, you should use _viOpen followed by using the
- ; returned instrument handle instead of the VISA descriptor
- ; and then calling this function
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viClose($h_session)
- ;- Close INSTRUMENT Connection
- ; viClose(h_session);
- Local $a_results
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int", "viClose", "int", $h_session)
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viClose - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- Local $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not close VISA instrument/resource
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not close VISA instrument/resource: " & $h_session)
- Return $errStatus
- EndIf
- Return 0
- EndFunc ;==>_viClose
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Find all the DEVICES found in the GPIB bus
- ; Syntax: _viFindGpib(ByRef $a_descriptor_list, ByRef $a_idn_list, $f_show_search_results = 0)
- ; Parameter(s): $a_descriptor_list (ByRef) - RETURNS an array of the VISA resource
- ; descriptors (see the NOTES of _viExecCommand above for more
- ; info) of the instruments that were found in the GPIB bus
- ; $a_idn_list (ByRef) - RETURNS an array of the IDNs (i.e names)
- ; of the instruments that were found in the GPIB bus
- ; $f_show_search_results - If 1 a message box showing the
- ; results of the search will be shown
- ; The default is 0, which means that the results are not shown
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - The number of instruments found (0 or more)
- ; On Failure - Returns a NEGATIVE value and SETS @error to 1
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Example(s):
- ; ; This example performs a search on the GPIB bus and shows the results in a MsgBox
- ; Dim $a_descriptor_list[1], $a_idn_list[1]
- ; _viFindGpib($a_descriptor_list, $a_idn_list, 1)
- ;
- ; Note(s): For simple usage there is no need to use this function, as
- ; _viExecCommand automatically opens/closes a VISA connection
- ; if you pass it a VISA resource descriptor (see the NOTES of
- ; _viExecCommand above for more info)
- ;
- ; However, if you want to repeteadly send commands/queries to
- ; a device, you should call this function followed by using the
- ; returned instrument handle instead of the VISA descriptor
- ;
- ; Do not forget to use _viClose when you are done, though
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viFindGpib(ByRef $a_descriptor_list, ByRef $a_idn_list, $f_show_search_results = 0)
- ;- Make sure that there is a Resource Manager open (Note: this will NOT open it twice!)
- _viOpenDefaultRM()
- ; Create the GPIB instrument list and return the 1st instrument descriptor
- ; viStatus viFindRsrc (viSession, char*, *ViFindList, *ViUInt32, char*);
- ; errStatus = viFindRsrc (VISA_DEFAULT_RM, "GPIB?*INSTR", &h_current_instr, &num_matches, s_found_instr_descriptor);
- Local $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "long", "viFindRsrc", _
- "long", $VISA_DEFAULT_RM, "str", "GPIB?*INSTR", "long_ptr", -1, _
- "int_ptr", -1, "str", "")
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viFindGpib - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- Local $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not perform GPIB FIND operation
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not perform GPIB FIND operation")
- Return -2
- EndIf
- ; Make sure that the DllCall returned enough values
- If UBound($a_results) < 5 Then
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Call to viFindRsrc did not return the right number of values")
- Return -3
- EndIf
- ; Assign the outputs of the DllCall
- Local $h_list_pointer = $a_results[3] ; The pointer to the list of found instruments
- Local $i_num_instr = $a_results[4] ; The number of instruments that were found
- Local $s_first_descriptor = $a_results[5] ; The descriptor of the first instrument found
- If $i_num_instr < 1 Then ; No insturments were found
- If $f_show_search_results == 1 Then
- MsgBox(64, "GPIB search results", "NO INSTRUMENTS FOUND in the GPIB bus")
- EndIf
- Return $i_num_instr
- EndIf
- ; At least 1 instrument was found
- ReDim $a_descriptor_list[$i_num_instr], $a_idn_list[$i_num_instr]
- $a_descriptor_list[0] = $s_first_descriptor
- ; Get the IDN of the 1st instrument
- $a_idn_list[0] = _viExecCommand($s_first_descriptor, "*IDN?")
- ; Get the IDN of all the remaining instruments
- For $n = 1 To $i_num_instr - 1
- ; If more than 1 instrument was found, get the handle of the next instrument
- ; and get its IDN
- ;- Get the handle and descriptor of the next instrument in the GPIB bus
- ; We do this by calling "viFindNext"
- ; viFindNext (*ViFindList, char*);
- ; viFindNext (h_current_instr,s_found_instr_descriptor);
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "long", "viFindNext", "long", $h_list_pointer, "str", "")
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viFindGpib - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not perform GPIB FIND NEXT operation
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not perform GPIB FIND NEXT operation")
- Return -2
- EndIf
- ; Make sure that the DllCall returned enough values
- If UBound($a_results) < 3 Then
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Call to viFindNext did not return the right number of values")
- Return -3
- EndIf
- $a_descriptor_list[$n] = $a_results[2]
- $a_idn_list[$n] = _viExecCommand($a_descriptor_list[$n], "*IDN?")
- Next
- If $f_show_search_results == 1 Then
- ; Create the GPIB instrument list and show it in a MsgBox
- Local $s_search_results = ""
- For $n = 0 To $i_num_instr - 1
- $s_search_results = $s_search_results & $a_descriptor_list[$n] & " - " & $a_idn_list[$n] & @CR
- Next
- MsgBox(64, "GPIB search results", $s_search_results)
- EndIf
- Return $i_num_instr
- EndFunc ;==>_viFindGpib
- ;===============================================================================
- ;- Internal VISA functions, used by _viExecCommand, _viOpen and/or _viClose ----
- ; The functions in this section are not meant to be called outside this library
- ; under normal use
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Open the VISA Resource Manager
- ; Syntax: _viOpenDefaultRM()
- ; Parameter(s): None
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - The Default Resource Manager Handle (also stored
- ; in the $VISA_DEFAULT_RM global)
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; Returns -2 if there was an error opening the
- ; Default Resource Manager
- ; Returns -3 if the returned Resource Manager is
- ; invalid
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s): You should not need to directly call this function under
- ; normal use as _viOpen calls it when necessary
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viOpenDefaultRM()
- Local $h_visa_rm = $VISA_DEFAULT_RM
- If $VISA_DEFAULT_RM < 0 Then
- ; Only open the Resource Manager once (i.e. when $VISA_DEFAULT_RM is still -1)
- $h_visa_rm = $VISA_DEFAULT_RM ; Initialize the output result with the default value (-1)
- ; errStatus = viOpenDefaultRM (&VISA_DEFAULT_RM);
- ; signed int viOpenDefaultRM(*unsigned long)
- Local $a_results
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int", "viOpenDefaultRM", "int_ptr", $VISA_DEFAULT_RM)
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viOpenDefaultRM - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- Local $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not create VISA Resource Manager
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not create VISA Resource Manager")
- Return -2
- EndIf
- ; Everything went fine => Set the Resource Manager global
- $VISA_DEFAULT_RM = $a_results[1]
- If $VISA_DEFAULT_RM <= 0 Then
- ; There was an error, reset the $VISA_DEFAULT_RM
- $VISA_DEFAULT_RM = -1 ; Default value
- SetError(1)
- Return -3
- EndIf
- $h_visa_rm = $VISA_DEFAULT_RM
- EndIf
- Return $h_visa_rm
- EndFunc ;==>_viOpenDefaultRM
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Send a COMMAND (NOT a QUERY) to an Instrument/Device
- ; Syntax: _viPrintf($h_session, $s_command, $i_timeout_ms = -1)
- ; Parameter(s): $h_session - A VISA descriptor (STRING) OR a VISA session handle (INTEGER)
- ; Look at the _viExecCommand function for more
- ; details
- ; $s_command - Command/Query to execute.
- ; A query MUST contain a QUESTION MARK (?)
- ; When the command is a QUERY the function will
- ; automatically wait for the instrument's answer
- ; (or until the operation times out)
- ; $i_timeout_ms - The operation timeout in MILISECONDS
- ; This is mostly important for QUERIES only
- ; If it is not specified the last set timeout will
- ; be used. If it was never set before the default
- ; timeout (which depends on the VISA implementation)
- ; will be used. Timeouts can also be set separatelly
- ; with the _viSetTimeout function (see below).
- ; Depending on the bus type (GPIB, TCP, etc) the
- ; timeout might not be set to the exact value that
- ; you request. Instead the closest valid timeout
- ; bigger than the one that you requested will be used.
- ; $s_mode - Control the mode in which the VISA viPrintf is called
- ; The DEFAULT VALUE is @LF, which means "attach @LF mode".
- ; Some instruments and in particular many GPIB cards
- ; Do not honor the terminator character attribute
- ; In those cases an @LF terminator needs to be added.
- ; As this is the most common case, by default the mode
- ; is set to @LF, which appends @LF to the SCPI command
- ; You can also set this mode to @CR and @CRLF if your card
- ; uses those terminators.
- ; If you do not want to use a terminator, set this parameter
- ; to an empty string ("")
- ; Also, some cards support the execution of a "sprintf" on the
- ; SCPI string prior to sending it through the VISA interface.
- ; For those who do, it is possible, by setting this
- ; parameter to "str" to "protect" the VISa interface from
- ; accidentally applying an escape sequence when a "/" is
- ; found within the VISA command string.
- ; This is normally NOT necessary and should only be set
- ; if your GPIB card or instrument require it.
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns ZERO
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; or a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s):
- ; Normally you do not need to use this function,
- ; as _viExecCommand automatically choses between _viPrintf and
- ; _viQueryf depending on the command type.
- ;
- ; If you need to use it anyway, it is recommended that you do
- ; not use this command for sending QUERIES, only for GPIB
- ; commands that DO NOT RETURN AN ANSWER
- ;
- ; Also, this is not really a "PRINTF-like" function, as it
- ; does not allow you to pass multiple parameters. This is only
- ; called _viPrintf because it uses the VISA function viPrintf
- ;
- ; See _viExecCommand for more details
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viPrintf($h_session, $s_command, $i_timeout_ms = -1, $s_option = @LF)
- Local $f_close_session_before_return = 0 ; By default do not close the session at the end
- If IsString($h_session) Then
- ; When we pass a string, i.e. a VISA ID (like GPIB::20::0, for instance) instead
- ; of a VISA session handler, we will automatically OPEN and CLOSE the instrument
- ; session for the user.
- ; This is of course slower if you need to do more than one GPIB call but much
- ; more convenient for short tests
- $f_close_session_before_return = 1
- $h_session = _viOpen($h_session)
- EndIf
- ;- Set the VISA timeout if necessary
- If $i_timeout_ms >= 0 Then
- _viSetTimeout($h_session, $i_timeout_ms)
- EndIf
- ;- Send Command to instrument (using viPrintf VISA function)
- ; The syntax of the viPrintf VISA function is:
- ; errStatus = viPrintf (h_session, "%s", "*RST");
- ; signed int viPrintf (unsigned long, char*, char*);
- ; For symmetry with the viQueryf function, and to solve compatibility issues
- ; with some instruments, call viPrintf WITHOUT protecting from escape sequences
- ; The user MUST thus be careful when passing commands containing the '/' character
- Local $a_results
- Select
- Case $s_option == "str"
- ; Use the "str" mode to pass the SCPI command to the VISA interface
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int", "viPrintf", "int", $h_session, "str", "%s", "str", $s_command) ; Call viPrintf with escape sequence protection
- Case ($s_option == @CR Or $s_option == @LF Or $s_option == @CRLF)
- ; Append the selected terminator to the SCPI command
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int", "viPrintf", "int", $h_session, "str", $s_command & $s_option)
- Case Else ; In all other cases, ignore the "mode" and do not use any terminator string
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int", "viPrintf", "int", $h_session, "str", $s_command) ; Call viPrintf without escape sequence protection
- EndSelect
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viPrintf - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- Local $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not send command to VISA instrument/resource
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not send command to VISA instrument/resource: " & $h_session)
- Return $errStatus
- EndIf
- If $f_close_session_before_return == 1 Then
- _viClose($h_session)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_viPrintf
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Send a QUERY (a Command that returns an answer) to an Instrument/Device
- ; Syntax: _viQueryf($h_session, $s_query, $i_timeout_ms = -1)
- ; Parameter(s): $h_session - A VISA descriptor (STRING) OR a VISA session handle (INTEGER)
- ; Look at the _viExecCommand function for more
- ; details
- ; $s_command - The query to execute (e.g. "*IDN?").
- ; A query MUST contain a QUESTION MARK (?)
- ; The function willautomatically wait for the
- ; instrument's answer (or until the operation
- ; times out)
- ; $i_timeout_ms - The operation timeout in MILISECONDS
- ; This is mostly important for QUERIES only
- ; If it is not specified the last set timeout will
- ; be used. If it was never set before the default
- ; timeout (which depends on the VISA implementation)
- ; will be used. Timeouts can also be set separatelly
- ; with the _viSetTimeout function (see below)
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns a STRING containing the answer of the
- ; instrument to the QUERY
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; Returns -3 if the VISA DLL returned an unexpected
- ; number of results
- ; or returns a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s):
- ; Normally you do not need to use this function,
- ; as _viExecCommand automatically choses between _viPrintf and
- ; _viQueryf depending on the command type.
- ;
- ; If you need to use it anyway, make sure that you use it for
- ; a command that RETURNS an ANSWER or you will be stuck until
- ; the Timeout expires, which could never happen if the Timeout
- ; is infinite ("INF")!
- ;
- ; Also, this is not really a "SCANF-like" function, as it
- ; does not allow you to specify the format of the output
- ;
- ; There are two known limitations of this function:
- ; - The GPIB queries only return the 1st line of the device
- ; answer. This is normally not a problem as most devices
- ; always return a single line answer.
- ; - The GPIB queries do not support binary transfer.
- ;
- ; See _viExecCommand for more details
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viQueryf($h_session, $s_query, $i_timeout_ms = -1)
- Local $f_close_session_before_return = 0 ; By default do not close the session at the end
- If IsString($h_session) Then
- ; When we pass a string, i.e. a VISA ID (like GPIB::20::0, for instance) instead
- ; of a VISA session handler, we will automatically OPEN and CLOSE the instrument
- ; session for the user.
- ; This is of course slower if you need to do more than one GPIB call but much
- ; more convenient for short tests
- $f_close_session_before_return = 1
- $h_session = _viOpen($h_session)
- EndIf
- ;- Set the VISA timeout if necessary
- If $i_timeout_ms >= 0 Then
- _viSetTimeout($h_session, $i_timeout_ms)
- EndIf
- ;- Send QUERY to instrument and get ANSWER
- ; errStatus = viQueryf (h_session, "*IDN?\n", "%s", s_answer);
- ; signed int viQueryf (unsigned long, char*, char*, char*);
- ;errStatus = viQueryf (h_instr, s_command, "%s", string);
- Local $a_results, $s_answer = ""
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int", "viQueryf", "int", $h_session, "str", $s_query, "str", "%t", "str", $s_answer)
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viQueryf - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- Local $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not query VISA instrument/resource
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not query VISA instrument/resource: " & $h_session)
- Return $errStatus
- EndIf
- ; Make sure that the DllCall returned enough values
- If UBound($a_results) < 5 Then
- ; Call to viQuery did not return the right number of values
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Call to viQuery did not return the right number of values")
- Return -3
- EndIf
- $s_answer = $a_results[4]
- If $f_close_session_before_return == 1 Then
- _viClose($h_session)
- EndIf
- Return $s_answer
- EndFunc ;==>_viQueryf
- ;- Misc VISA interface functions -----------------------------------------------
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Sets the VISA timeout in MILISECONDS (uses _viSetAttribute)
- ; Syntax: _viSetTimeout($h_session, $i_timeout_ms)
- ; Parameter(s): $h_session - A VISA descriptor (STRING) OR a VISA session
- ; handle (INTEGER). Look the explanation in _viExecCommand
- ; (you can find it above)
- ; $i_timeout_ms - The timeout IN MILISECONDS for VISA operations
- ; (mainly for GPIB queries)
- ; If you set it to 0 the tiemouts are DISABLED
- ; If you set it to "INF" the VISA operations will NEVER timeout.
- ; Be careful with this as it could easly hung your program if
- ; your instrument does not respond to one of your queries
- ; Depending on the bus type (GPIB, TCP, etc) the timeout might
- ; not be set to the exact value that you request. Instead the
- ; closest valid timeout bigger than the one that you requested
- ; will be used.
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 0
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; or a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s): You can avoid directly calling this function most of the time,
- ; as _viExecCommand accepts a timeout (in ms) as its 3rd argument.
- ; If you do not pass this 3rd argument then the previous timeout
- ; will be used (or the default timeout, which depends on the
- ; VISA driver, if it was never set before)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viSetTimeout($h_session, $i_timeout_ms)
- If StringUpper(String($i_timeout_ms)) == "INF" Then
- $i_timeout_ms = $VI_TMO_INFINITE
- EndIf
- Return _viSetAttribute($h_session, $VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, $i_timeout_ms)
- EndFunc ;==>_viSetTimeout
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: VISA attribute set (GENERIC)
- ; Called by _viSetTimeout, this function can ALSO be used to
- ; set many other VISA specific attributes, like the Serial
- ; Interface Attributes.
- ; Read the VISA documentation for more information
- ; Syntax: _viSetAttribute($h_session, $i_attribute, $i_value)
- ; Parameter(s): $h_session - A VISA descriptor (STRING) OR a VISA session
- ; handle (INTEGER). Look the explanation in _viExecCommand
- ; (you can find it above)
- ; $i_attribute - The index of the attribute that must be changed
- ; Attributes are defined in the VISA library. This AutoIt
- ; implementation only defines a CONSTANT for the TIMEOUT
- ; attribute ($VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE) but you can pass any other
- ; index if you want to.
- ; $i_value - The value of the attribute. It must be an integer
- ; and the possible values depend on the attribute type
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 0
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; or a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s):
- ; This is a list of the currently pre-defined attributes and
- ; values. Remember that you can use any other valid
- ; attribute/value by passing the corresponding integer index
- ; (as defined in the VISA programmer's guide) to this function.
- ;
- ; * Attribute: $VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE -> Set Timeout
- ; * Values:
- ; A timeout in MILLISECONDS or
- ; $VI_TMO_IMMEDIATE (or 0) for "Return immediatly"
- ; VI_TMO_INFINITE (or "INF") for "No timeout"
- ;
- ; * Attribute: $VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR -> Set Termination Character
- ; * Values:
- ; The ASCII code number of the terminator character
- ; which is used for VISA messages.
- ; - Typical values are:
- ; 0x0A: Linefeed or newline ("\n")
- ; 0x0C: Form feed ("\f")
- ; 0x0D: Carriage return ("\r")
- ;
- ; * Attribute: $VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN -> Set Termination Character
- ; * Values:
- ; For many instruments this attribute has no effect.
- ; For those who take it into account:
- ; $VI_FALSE: Wait for the TIMEOUT before returning from
- ; a viRead operation
- ; $VI_TRUE: Allow read operations to terminate as soon
- ; as the "VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR" character is received
- ; during a viRead.
- ; which is used for VISA messages (e.g. 10)
- ; $VI_TMO_IMMEDIATE (or 0) for "Return immediatly"
- ; VI_TMO_INFINITE (or "INF") for "No timeout"
- ; * Default Value: $VI_FALSE. Note that many instruments ignore this.
- ;
- ; * Attribute: $VI_ATTR_ASRL_BAUD
- ; * Values:
- ; Any valid baudrate (9600, 115200, etc)
- ;
- ; * Attribute: $VI_ATTR_ASRL_DATA_BITS
- ; * Values:
- ; From 5 to 8
- ;
- ; * Attribute: $VI_ATTR_ASRL_PARITY
- ; * Values:
- ;
- ; * Attribute: $VI_ATTR_ASRL_STOP_BITS
- ; * Values:
- ;
- ; * Attribute: $VI_ATTR_ASRL_FLOW_CNTRL
- ; * Values:
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viSetAttribute($h_session, $i_attribute, $i_value)
- Local $f_close_session_before_return = 0 ; By default do not close the session at the end
- If IsString($h_session) Then
- ; When we pass a string, i.e. a VISA ID (like GPIB::20::0, for instance) instead
- ; of a VISA session handler, we will automatically OPEN and CLOSE the instrument
- ; session for the user.
- ; This is of course slower if you need to do more than one GPIB call but much
- ; more convenient for short tests
- $f_close_session_before_return = 1
- $h_session = _viOpen($h_session)
- EndIf
- ; errStatus = _viSetAttribute ($h_session, $VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, $timeout_value);
- ; signed int viGpibControlREN (unsigned long, int, int);
- Local $a_results
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int", "viSetAttribute", "int", $h_session, "int", $i_attribute, "int", $i_value)
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viSetAttribute - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- Local $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not set attribute of VISA instrument/resource
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not set attribute of VISA instrument/resource: " & $h_session)
- Return $errStatus
- EndIf
- If $f_close_session_before_return == 1 Then
- _viClose($h_session)
- EndIf
- Return 0
- EndFunc ;==>_viSetAttribute
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Go To Local mode (uses _viGpibControlREN)
- ; Instruments that accept this command will exit the "Remote
- ; Control mode" and go to "Local mode"
- ; If the instrument is already in "Local mode" this is simply
- ; ignored.
- ; Normally, if an instrument does not support this command it
- ; will simply stay in the "Remote Control mode"
- ; Syntax: _viGTL($h_session)
- ; Parameter(s): $h_session - A VISA descriptor (STRING) OR a VISA session
- ; handle (INTEGER). Look the explanation in _viExecCommand
- ; (you can find it above)
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 0
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; or a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s): None
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viGTL($h_session)
- Return _viGpibControlREN($h_session, $VI_GPIB_REN_ADDRESS_GTL)
- EndFunc ;==>_viGTL
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: GPIB BUS "reset" (uses _viGpibControlREN)
- ; Use this function when the GPIB BUS gets stuck for some reason.
- ; You might be lucky and resolve the problem by calling this
- ; function
- ; Syntax: _viGpibBusReset()
- ; Parameter(s): None
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 0
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; or a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s): None
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viGpibBusReset()
- Return _viGpibControlREN("GPIB0::INTFC", $VI_GPIB_REN_DEASSERT)
- EndFunc ;==>_viGpibBusReset
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Control the VISA REN bus line
- ; Syntax: _viGpibControlREN ($h_session, $i_mode)
- ; Parameter(s): $h_session - A VISA descriptor (STRING) OR a VISA session
- ; handle (INTEGER). Look the explanation in _viExecCommand
- ; (you can find it above)
- ; $i_mode - The mode into which the REN line of the GPIB bus
- ; will be set.
- ; Modes are defined in the VISA library. Look at the top of
- ; this file for valid modes
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 0
- ; On Failure - Returns -1 if the VISA DLL could not be open
- ; or a NON ZERO value representing the VISA
- ; error code (see the VISA programmer's guide)
- ; This function always sets @error to 1 in case of error
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s): This function is used by _viGTL and _viGpibBusReset
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viGpibControlREN($h_session, $i_mode)
- Local $f_close_session_before_return = 0 ; By default do not close the session at the end
- If IsString($h_session) Then
- ; When we pass a string, i.e. a VISA ID (like GPIB::20::0, for instance) instead
- ; of a VISA session handler, we will automatically OPEN and CLOSE the instrument
- ; session for the user.
- ; This is of course slower if you need to do more than one GPIB call but much
- ; more convenient for short tests
- $f_close_session_before_return = 1
- $h_session = _viOpen($h_session)
- EndIf
- ; errStatus = viGpibControlREN ($h_session, VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT);
- ; signed int viGpibControlREN (unsigned long, int);
- Local $a_results
- $a_results = DllCall("visa32.dll", "int", "viGpibControlREN", "int", $h_session, "int", $i_mode)
- If @error <> 0 Then
- ; Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)
- ;MsgBox(16,"_viGpibControlREN - DllCall error","Could not open VISA (visa32.dll)")
- Return -1
- EndIf
- Local $errStatus = $a_results[0]
- If $errStatus <> 0 Then
- ; Could not send to Local VISA instrument/resource
- SetError(1)
- ;MsgBox(16,"VISA error","Could not send to Local VISA instrument/resource: " & $h_session)
- Return $errStatus
- EndIf
- If $f_close_session_before_return == 1 Then
- _viClose($h_session)
- EndIf
- Return 0
- EndFunc ;==>_viGpibControlREN
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Description: Interactive VISA control.
- ; This function lets you easily test your SCPI commands
- ; interactively.
- ; It also lets you save these commands into a file
- ; Simply answer the questions (Device Descriptor, SCPI command
- ; and timeout).
- ; * If you click Cancel on the 1st question the interactive
- ; control ends.
- ; * If you click Cancel to the other queries, you will go back
- ; to the Device Descriptor question.
- ; Syntax: _viInteractiveControl($s_command_save_filename = "")
- ; Parameter(s): $s_command_save_filename - This is an OPTIONAL PARAMETER
- ; The name of the file in which the SCPI commands issued
- ; during the interactive session will be saved.
- ; If no filename is passed the funcion asks the user if and
- ; where does the user want to save the issued commands.
- ; Requirement(s): The VISA libraries must be installed (you can check whether
- ; visa32.dll is in {WINDOWS}\system32)
- ; For GPIB communication a GPIB card (such as a National Instruments
- ; NI PCI-GPIB card or an Agilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB card
- ; Return Value(s): The list of AutoIt3 VISA commands that were executed by the tool.
- ; This is the same list that is saved into the file if the a
- ; filename is passed to the function.
- ; Author(s): Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at gmail dot com>
- ; Note(s): Type "FIND" in the Device Descriptor query to perform a GPIB
- ; search
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _viInteractiveControl($s_command_save_filename = "")
- ;- Define variables, set their default values
- Local $s_vi_id = "FIND" ; "GPIB::1::0" ; Default values
- Local $s_command = "*IDN?"
- Local $i_timeout_ms = 10000 ; ms
- Local $s_answer = ""
- Local $a_descriptor_list[1], $a_idn_list[1] ; The results of the GPIB search
- ; The variables used to save the commands to a file
- Local $s_empty_command_list = "#include <Visa.au3>" & @CR & @CR & "Local $s_answer" & @CR & @CR
- Local $s_new_command = ""
- Local $s_command_list = $s_empty_command_list
- ;- Loop until the user Cancles the Instrument Device Descriptor request
- While 1
- ;- Request the Instrument Descriptor (reuse the previous descriptor)
- $s_vi_id = InputBox("Instrument Device Descriptor", _
- "- Type the Instrument Device Descriptor (e.g. 'GPIB::1::0' or 'GPIB::1::INSTR')" & _
- @CR & @CR & _
- "- Type FIND to perform a GPIB search" & _
- @CR & @CR & _
- "- Click CANCEL to STOP the VISA interactive tool", $s_vi_id, "", 500, 250)
- If @error == 1 Then
- ; The Cancel button was pushed -> Exit the loop
- ExitLoop
- EndIf
- If StringUpper($s_vi_id) == "FIND" Then
- ; Perform a GPIB search
- $s_command_list = $s_command_list & _
- "Local $a_descriptor_list[1], $a_idn_list[1]" & @CR & @CR & _
- "_viFindGpib($a_descriptor_list, $a_idn_list, 1)" & @CR & @CR
- _viFindGpib($a_descriptor_list, $a_idn_list, 1)
- If UBound($a_descriptor_list) >= 1 Then
- ; If an instrument was found, use the 1st found instrument as the default
- ; for the next query
- $s_vi_id = $a_descriptor_list[0]
- EndIf
- ContinueLoop
- EndIf
- ;- Request the command that must be executed (reuse the previous command)
- $s_answer = InputBox("SCPI command", "Type the SCPI command", $s_command)
- If @error == 1 Then
- ; The Cancel button was pushed -> Restart the process
- ContinueLoop
- EndIf
- $s_command = $s_answer ; We got a valid command
- ;- Request the timeout (reuse the previous timout)
- $s_answer = InputBox("Command Timeout (ms)", _
- "Type the command timeout (in milliseconds)", $i_timeout_ms)
- If @error == 1 Then
- ; The Cancel button was pushed -> Restart the process
- ContinueLoop
- EndIf
- $i_timeout_ms = 0 + $s_answer ; We got a valid timeout
- ;- Add the command to the command list
- $s_new_command = '$s_answer = _viExecCommand("' & $s_vi_id & '", "' & _
- $s_command & '", ' & $i_timeout_ms & ')'
- $s_command_list = $s_command_list & $s_new_command & @CR
- ;- Execute the requested command
- $s_answer = _viExecCommand($s_vi_id, $s_command, $i_timeout_ms)
- If IsString($s_answer) Then
- ;- The command was a query and the instrument answered it
- ; Show the query results
- MsgBox(64, "Query results", "[" & $s_vi_id & "] " & $s_command & " -> " & $s_answer)
- ElseIf $s_answer == 0 Then
- ;- The command was not a query but it was exuced successfully
- MsgBox(64, "Command result", "The command:" & @CR & @CR & _
- " '" & $s_command & "'" & @CR & @CR & _
- "was SUCCESSFULLY executed on the device: " & @CR & @CR & _
- " '" & $s_vi_id & "'")
- ElseIf $s_answer < 0 Then
- ;- There was an error -> Show an error message
- $s_answer = MsgBox(16 + 4, "VISA Error", _
- "There was a VISA error when executing the command:" & @CR & @CR & _
- "'" & $s_command & "'" & @CR & @CR & "on the Device '" & $s_vi_id & "'" & _
- @CR & @CR & _
- "Do you want to RESET the GPIB bus before continuing?")
- If $s_answer == 6 Then ; Yes
- _viGpibBusReset()
- MsgBox(0, "VISA", "The GPIB bus was RESET!")
- EndIf
- EndIf
- WEnd
- If $s_command_list <> $s_empty_command_list Then
- ; If at least one command was issued we might want to save the file
- If $s_command_save_filename == "" Then
- ; The user did not pass an explicit file name in which to save the commands
- ; Ask him if he wants to save the m now
- $s_answer = MsgBox(64 + 4, "Save commands to AutoIt3 script?", _
- "Do you want to save the commands that you issued into an AutoIt3 script?")
- If $s_answer == 6 Then ; Yes
- $s_command_save_filename = FileSaveDialog("Save as...", @ScriptDir, _
- "AutoIt3 scripts (*.au3)", 16, "visa_log.au3")
- If @error <> 0 Then
- $s_command_save_filename = ""
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If $s_command_save_filename <> "" Then
- ;- Save the SCPI commands into a file
- If FileExists($s_command_save_filename) Then
- ; Delete the save file if it already exists
- FileDelete($s_command_save_filename)
- EndIf
- FileWrite($s_command_save_filename, $s_command_list)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Return $s_command_list ; Return the list of executed commands
- EndFunc ;==>_viInteractiveControl